Read the Printed Word!

Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Normative Vocabularies of Everyday: Reflections

10:32am, 14/05

It's raining outside, and I'm sitting at a desk by a window on the third floor of the UL, part learning references for my Human paper, part staring out the window at passers by. Pathetic fallacy? An allegory for the daily slog that is repetitive revision? A metaphorical musing to set the scene for this post? Or perhaps, it's simply raining outside, and I'm sitting at a desk inside the UL revising and occasionally being distracted by the happenings and myriad of daily lives outside.

I can't remember the last time I wrote a post (and published it); I've had so many ideas over the past two and a bit terms of university, and have been challenged in innumerable ways, but I've just never sat down to type them. They've been written in many places - odd scraps of paper; letters; notes on my phone; scribbles in my Moleskine; far too many post-it-notes - but are yet to take on coherent form. But does that mean that they haven't existed? Because they don't have coherent form? Is their lack of public form constitutive of their non-existence?

11:38am, 30/05

Since starting this post I've written both of my 3-hour-long, hand-stiffening, essay-full exams and (unofficially) finished my first year of university. I'm one of the first to finish both my exams and work, so the daily slog of revision continues for most people whilst I wander through the city enjoying it for the first time without the ever-present nudge of supervisions, essays, lectures, reading and what else have you in the back of my mind, waiting for my first elusive May Week. After three days I was ready to return to work (not revising, but learning)... then I thought: "Ha! You started writing nearly two summers ago to prepare for the thinking that would be thrown at you in university and you've not, since starting university, written anything on there! If you miss writing and learning, then write and learn." Your probable thought line concerning my weirdness - Isn't she on holiday? Hasn't she just finished three terms at university of intense, non-stop work? - is definitely qualified.

Anyway. Normative vocabularies of the everyday: reflections.